Author: José Galisteo Martínez

José GALISTEO MARTÍNEZ has a degree in Art History from the University of Granada and a Diploma of Advanced Studies and Research Proficiency from the University of Malaga. At present, he is Interim Substitute Professor of the Department of Art History at the University of Malaga and teaches the subject “Cultural Heritage Management” for the Degree in Tourism. His lines of research have been focusing on different historical-cultural aspects of the Modern and Contemporary Age, and Management of Cultural Heritage, mainly. He has collaborated in different national and international exhibition projects, as well as participating as a collaborator in the editing tasks of scientific journals, as well as in the preparation of conference proceedings or correction-editing of exhibition catalogs. Likewise, he has been linked to the municipal delegations of cultural, patrimonial and tourist fields of some local Cordovan entities. He is a member of the Interdisciplinary Group “History of the Province of Córdoba” (HUM-781) of the Junta de Andalucía.