Author: Marc Montijano Cañellas

PhD in Art History (UMA) and Postgraduate in Cultural Management, with Specialisation in Cultural Project Management (UOC). Member of the research group HUM 862 Estudios en Sociedad, Artes y Gestión Cultural (ESAGEC), University of Jaén (UJA). Member of the Educational Innovation Project (PIE19-178) “TransUMA (laboratorio de competencias transdisciplinares): Imaginando futuros posibles”, University of Málaga. The main lines of research that mark his curriculum are performance art, its analysis and history, and the investigation of its ramifications in society, through the concept of performativity; the aesthetics and theory of art today; and the role of new technologies and communication in the development of art and the divulgation of art history. In this profile is his PhD thesis, in addition to the work and publications that he has been doing in various national and international specialized publications. Highlighting the book La performatividad, el laboratorio y el arte (Brumaria, 2021), together with the CU of the University of Jaén, José Luis Anta Félez. In parallel, he has developed an intense artistic work, mainly linked to performance, which has allowed him a global approach to action art, both as a theorist and as a creator. Making numerous artistic projects in leading galleries, museums and art centers. He also directs the Laboratorio de Performance, a space for creation and research on live arts, in Villanueva del Rosario, Malaga.